Education and Health Policy Analysis in Dealing with the Demographic Bonus in Tegal City
1Agus Bahrudin,2Wahyu Wirasati
1,2Lecturer in the public administration study program at the University, August 17, 1945, Semarang

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As one of the valuable momentum and opportunities to accelerate growth and progress, it is only appropriate that the demographic bonus phenomenon be considered and followed up through a series of policy actions, so that the demographic bonus phenomenon can bring optimal benefits to the City of Tegal. The main actions (which are then translated into more specific actions), namely policies to improve the quality of education and improve the quality of health. The demographic bonus in the city of Tegal will occur in 2020 and 2021.
From the results of research in the demographic bonus year in the field of education, it was found that 28% of the elementary school age population, 13% of the junior high school age population and 2% of the high school/vocational school age population did not attend school and there was an increase in the school age population which required attention and anticipation by the Tegal City government by preparing facilities and adequate educational infrastructure.
In the health sector, there is an excess of patients handled at each existing community health centers (puskesmas), there is an excess of patients around 3 times the standard of service where 1 hospital in Tegal City is projected to treat 95837 people in 2020 and 95118 people in 2021 an increase of 35% . Besides that, there is also an excess of 2-3 times the number of the population aged 0-5 years or toddlers handled by 1 posyandu and a lack of midwifery staff to serve the population surge. The results of the analysis need to add health centers, integrated service post (posyandu) and at least 380 midwifery staff with the aim of achieving healthy families who have adequate nutrition and have productive value in the future, so health development policies and programs must rely on preventive and promotive approaches as the main pillars. accelerate community nutrition improvement and implementation of health protocols, immunization week as optimal as possible


analysis, policy, education, health, demographic bonus


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